May 17, 2019

teRror-rize your opponents with Jade & Chem Warriors

Edit Oct 2019: There's a newer version of the Jade deck that is very popular recently. Read about it here.

A month ago, about 10% of the top Nod decks utilized Jade as commander. When I soon re-do this analysis, I would not be surprised if that number has grown a bit. In recent weeks, more players have discovered that the recent buff to Chem Warriors to their vehicle damage made them even more viable.

Chem Warriors are hard to deal with for many decks, as they hold their ground against a variety of anti-Infantry, and can even beat Scorpion Tank in a hypothetical 1on1 (that in practice of course is rare and doesn't really play a role).

For Jade decks, Chem Warrior overall is the superior choice over Chem Buggies for a number of reasons:
  • For a potential missile on the enemy base, Chem Warriors have a better chance to survive long enough to spray some clouds
  • For a Jade rocket in a fight, they have the advantage that it's a bit easier to spread the chem clouds in a targeted manner. The Chem Buggies' raider ability is strong, but means that it's often a bit harder to have it attack a particular hex
  • Also, the high hitpoints of the Chem Warrior mean it can often survive a bit against Tech units to then, with a Jade rocket, destroy one or multiple tech units. The Chem Buggy will often just instantly melt against tech
Still, it's far from easy to successfully utilize a Jade / Chem Warrior deck. Especially as beautifully as you see in the gif below, posted by Silvercruise (I don't know if he also played that game, but he certainly could have, as he is a very strong player who recently ruined 13lade's tournament run by winning the single match that 13lade dropped in his 14-1 run). 

Silvercruise in action. He also has a YouTube channel, of which I'm the proud second subscriber. Maybe we can get that up a bit as well to motivate him to do more Rivals videos?

Instead of writing a full-blown Jade guide (which I'm also not the right person for), I wanted to draw your attention to the YouTube channel of teRror. He's a strong player with a love for Jade decks, and regularly uploads videos on YouTube. Whilst they don't have audio commentary, they are nice bite-sized food when you want 5 minutes Rivals, but can't play right now. Some examples:

Jade vs Jade with Mutant Marauders

Jade vs Artillery

Jade vs Jade with an attack on the base

Jade vs Juggernaut

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