June 03, 2021

Interview with Byah – “Rivals is a fantastic game, and the community is easily the best that I have ever been a part of.”

Our second piece in our new wave of interviews, we introduce Byah: the leader of the alliance Odin's Misfits, and familiar face within the Rivals community.

Q: Hello Byah! As usual, let's start with your life outside of Rivals. What can you tell us about yourself?
Byah: Thank you for having me! I try to keep a lot of details of my life private, but I am starting to open up a little bit. This is mostly due to a previous mobile game that I played; people went as far as looking up information on Facebook and contacting a player's real-life acquaintances (be it their work boss or their spouse) because of how seriously they took the game. I go by Byah!, which is a reference to an infamous Dave Chapelle sketch making fun of Howard Dean. If anyone pronounces my name Bye-ah, please watch the sketch. It was originally just a temporary name for my Steam account and when I played Smash Brothers with my friends, but it ended up sticking. I also go by Time Manager on some platforms, which is a reference to my degree in Business Management and that I sold watches for 8 years. Ironically, my actual time management skills are terrible. I am 35 years old, though I still have enough energy to be in my 20s. I am happily married and have a daughter of 6 years. I've been going through some harder times over the last couple of years with various setbacks but am finally passing through the light at the end of the tunnel. Gaming has always been a great escape for me, but I grew up with a family that tried to limit my gaming. I have ADHD, and when I was younger not much was known about it, such as that gaming can help it. I was fortunate enough to meet my wife through gaming as well.
I have two small dogs (shih tzus) and a cat that has managed to outgrow them both. One of the dogs was originally my father's but he passed away in 2007. I was living with him at the time, so I had to learn how to have my own place and manage myself very quickly

Byah performing his signature catchphrase

Q: What was your gaming career like before this? Did you play any other games competitively before Rivals?
Byah: There are only 2 other games that I can say I played competitively.  I have been a lifetime player of Super Smash Brothers, and attempted to play in some local tournaments.  I am very good at Smash Brothers, but the state champions are in another league entirely.  Being better than the majority of players your area and being able to tangle with the top in a given state are like the difference between the top 100 and 10 in Rivals.  The other game is Left 4 Dead 2.  They didn't really hold tournaments, but at my peak I was a part of a large group of extremely talented versus players.  Versus in Left 4 Dead is an entirely different game when you have 2 teams who are able to coordinate as both Survivors and Infected, and games often are won by the smallest margin of points.  Ironically, I met my wife while playing in this group of players.

Beyond those two games, I have a big interest in gaming.  Some of my favorite series include The Legend of Zelda, Assassin's Creed (To Valhalla!), Burnout,Grand Theft Auto, Fire Emblem, Dynasty Warriors, and Goldeneye / Perfect Dark 64.  I'd also like to give a shout out to a lesser known RPG known as Golden Sun.  And finally, i am a huge fan of  the entire Command & Conquer series.

Q: Recently, you started your very own twitch channel? Do you enjoy streaming? Whats your intention with the new channel?
Byah: I appreciate the shout out to my Twitch channel (Byah85)! I have wanted to stream gaming since around 2014 / 2015 when I was playing a lot of L4D2. Friends online kept telling me that I should give it a shot, but I never really had a system that allowed me to stream well. In fact, my first attempt to record and upload videos ended up frying my graphics card. I tried to stream the Remasters since I now have a more powerful system, but it seems my current PC is still behind the specs required to stream certain things. Twitch's mobile app is how I am streaming Rivals, and to be honest it is much easier than I expected.
I really enjoy streaming, as it lets me give others a window into how I play, and it is just a great energy getting to interact with other players from the community. I also enjoy being an entertainer, so this lets me get a lot of that out. I assumed Rivals would not take off for me, and that I would be streaming with maybe 5 viewers on a regular basis. The response I have had is surprising, but very welcome. The Rivals community is easily the most chill gaming community that I have ever been a part of, so getting to perform for the community is extremely fun whether I win or lose. It has made me consider adding console playthroughs and perhaps PC gaming in the future.

Byah’s twitch channel, he starts his stream between 3 PM and 10 PM EST usually.

Q: As of this interview, the spring 2021 balance patch is not out yet. What do you hope it includes? What changes would you like to see that you do not see discussed often?

Byah: I really hope that Challenge Matches are turned off in Tiberium League when the balance patch drops.  Avinash has suggested that he is trying to have the team do something, so I hope this is what they do.  Challenge match abuse has reached an all-time ridiculous level, with the top of ladder boosting being unacceptable.  I will not linger on this topic, but there is no justification for consciously CM abusing.  People are only doing it because they can get away with it. If you played with friends and found ways to game the system, your friends would not want to play with you.

There are a few balances I would like to see, but virtually no buffs.  Catalyst gunship desperately needs nerfing.  It could use less HP, it could be slower, it needs base damage reduction so you cannot just base rush with them as easily as you can now, and most importantly it needs to have its 2-tile lock fixed.  The amount of time in which it can snipe a unit 2 tiles away is ridiculous; it also keeps the gas cloud charging for longer than it should once a unit escapes range. I also do not like the way the second gas cloud auto ignites, but I am not sure if attack speed, gas charge, or fixing the lock on issue would help that.

APC needs a cost nerf of 10; it comes out too early and requires too much to kill it in reasonable time for what it costs and how long it survives.  It could use a slight vehicle damage nerf; i was surprised how much damage one did to a MLRS before the APC popped.  It could also use a change in its priority or speed; it should not shove units off the way it does.  JJT I feel need a speed or hp nerf.  They are fastest speed and fly over all obstacles, and too many matches involve spamming JJT to all pads rapidly simply because they are fast enough to get there and durable enough for it to make a difference.  I am not sure if they can be given a turn speed increase or not; i think the main issue with JJT beyond spam is that they can just stop and go rapidly, shifting from blocking to firing to repositioning all at a rapid pace.  Drone swarms are particularly powerful just because of how long they take to kill, but the only thing I can think of is slightly nerfing their speed.  Titan needs a slight HP nerf, maybe a 10 cost nerf, but I do not think they need too much since missile/laser spam can deal with them semi reliably.  Flame tanks came out too quickly and have too much vehicle damage.  I think they could use a speed decrease so that they cannot escape their counters as easily, and a vehicle damage nerf because of how quickly they roast light vehicles.  Giga Cannon isn't used a lot right now, but its damage is off the charts.  The third charge stage is an obscene amount of damage, and a boosted Giga gets there way too fast, not to mention the beam splitting.  It either needs a slower ramp up, less damage, or perhaps even only having 2 stages of firing.  And finally, I believe that Artillery needs a minor damage, firing speed, and/or turning speed nerf; as it stands, it is just super effective vs ground for very cheap.  You can prevent it, but if you don't, then it is often game over.

Q: Your name can always be found in at least the top 50 on the leader board.  Do you enjoy ladder? What is your advice to new players who want to conquer the ranks?

Byah: I enjoy ladder a lot.  It is fun to face various decks from various players with a somewhat random map selection.  I have played the same 2 decks for ages, so learning how to overcome different difficulties with them has always been a fun experience.  I enjoy challenging myself, so I like pushing the top of the ladder where the best players are.

I never expected that I'd ever consistently be top 50, sometimes top 20.  When I first started the game, I had a lot of trouble putting my decks together.  I was blind double harvesting into Wolverine and Titan for GDI, and I was Scarab rushing with NOD.  I finally settled onto my main decks, and slowly began getting closer to the top 100.  When I finally broke the top 100, I was disbelief that I had been capable of it. And yet over the seasons that ranking has got higher and higher.  Last season was my best, ending rank 9 for GDI and rank 10 for NOD.  Streaming had me play more games than I normally play, but it still insane to me that I am able to play the game as well as I do.  I still try to tell myself that I'm just extremely lucky.

I have a few pieces of advice for newer players, and these are all things that have helped me succeed as a F2P player.  The first is to save your diamonds.  Prize pools are much better once you hit Master League and saving your diamonds to buy premium tracks from Resource Challenge and Showdown is your best use of diamonds to level up quickly.  Second, you want to try and find one deck per faction and level only those units.  This will save you a lot of credits in the long run, and it is good to have a well-rounded deck for ladder that you can grow and learn with.  You will get to a point where you need cards more than credits, and that is a good time to dump extra credits into levelling alternate units.  Third, find yourself a supportive alliance on discord; there are a lot of amazing alliances out there and simply being in one where donations are always maximized, and positive feedback is given can make a difference in your game experience.  Fourth, NEVER surrender!  I have surrendered only 2 times, and it was done out of respect to my tournament opponent who had won the match within the next couple of seconds.  Beyond that, I have always fought tooth and nail to the bitter end.

I did this even when fighting against level differences of anywhere between 3 to 5.  There is always something to be learned in defeat and fighting an uphill battle can help sharpen your skills rapidly.  It can help teach how to make use of multiple units, defensive positioning, blocking, and tech switching.  Your units will catch up in levels over time, and if you are used to fighting at a disadvantage then that will make things easier as that disadvantage slowly withers away.  A great example of this is Spark; he fought high level and highly skilled opponents with such a vast level gap initially that he is a beast to face at even levels.  Finally, remain patient and calm.  It will take time to max out your units.  I started playing on August 30, 2018, and my decks were not maxed until sometime in 2020.  Cloning chambers make this a bit faster than it was originally, but it will take time.  Be patient, remain calm in your defeats, and look for ways to improve your micro.  All of this will help sharpen you as the level gaps between you and your opponents close.

Q: You are known for playing the same 2 decks since the dawn of time. Can you talk us through how you found then and why you choose these specific strategies?

The decks Byah has been using for more than 2 years.

Byah: They say that when the Big Bang occured, my decks were forced and flung into space until they found their way to me once again.  The story of how I started using these decks is a funny one, at least to me.

Starting with GDI, I was at an absolute loss once I hit Masters League in my first / second month of playing.  My original was strategy was to double harvester into Wolverine and Titan!  When that stopped working, i put together a horrible deck combination of Rifle, Missile, Shock Trooper, Predator Tank, APC, Hammerhead, and Jackson.  I liked Jackson the moment I unlocked him; the boost is just so good in so many situations and really helped me overcome level gaps.  Rifle and Missile were needed so I had something cheap to spam early.  I actually hated Shock Troopers at first and thought that they were useless.  I ran them once and saw their infantry killing power and never looked back. I went with Predator Tank because I love how much damage it deals and can take, and I learned early on how to work with it's raider.  I went with Hammerhead because I absolutely despise playing GDI air units, and I figured the Hammerhead made it so that I didn't need to run additional air if I could shut it all down.  The APC was intended to help me where Shocks couldn't get the job done, so I would try to use to use the APC to counter Chem Troopers and higher levelled Flames and Shocks.  Finally, at the recommendation of many people on Discord, I replaced the APC in December 2018 with a Pitbull.  I swore that Pitbulls were useless units due to my tanks smashing them, but I quickly realized the versatility of the Pitbull.  And that is how I settled on my GDI deck.  I would have switched off of it if I felt it wasn't performing well, but I always found the deck won more often than it lost, and that was good enough for me.  Two and a half years later and here I still am, doing better than ever!

My NOD deck has a much more humble origin.  I scarab rushed my way to Masters, and then used a strange deck involving Giga Cannon, Stank, and Inferno to get my first push into Tiberium.  Once there, I had trouble settling on a deck.  In January 2019, Suzaku popularized an aggressive deck that was Militants, Laser Troopers, Cyberwheels, Bikes, Scorpion Tanks, and Banshees with Seth.  At the time, you could open bikes and switch back to a normal opening if the rush didn't work. It was a hyper aggressive style, and I loved it.  That is why two and a half years later I am still using the deck despite various nerfs to its original power (bikes and wheels).  Banshee gets a bad reputation, but that unit's ground damage has saved me more times than I can count.  I still enjoy how aggressive the deck can be.  However, I very recently discovered a new NOD deck that I enjoy using (Thanks Bikerush!).  This deck is Militants, Laser Troopers, Cyberwheels, Bikes, Stealth Tank, and Inferno with Oxanna.  There is just something highly satisfying about smothering the field with fire bombs.  I just need to get my Stank and Oxanna to 15 from 14, so prepare to see me switching between the two decks soon!

I have played these two decks through every meta due to my absolute stubborn refusal to bend to the meta.  I always told myself that if I lost a match that there were ways to win that I simply didn't find.  I always put the blame on my own skill and mistakes, rather than throw my hands up and change.  I honestly blame my Smash Brothers gameplay for this.  Like any other fighting game, in Smash Brothers you usually have a main fighter or two and then other fighters that you are okay with.  I had a heated rivalry with a high school friend that lasts to this day.  As a result, I am used to what I call "beating your head against a brick wall until you smash through."  I would train 1 v 3 against maximum difficulty AI and usually get my butt kicked, but the intention was to sharpen myself by desperately fighting to survive.  I applied this to Rivals as well, and this is the main reason I have not switched decks.   I like my decks, and I have learned to overcome many different situations and engagements with them.  I'd rather face difficulty playing something that I enjoy rather than get easy wins but play something that I do not enjoy.  The end result is that I have now sharpened these decks against what should be impossible matchups, and I constantly linger in the top 20/30 because of it.

Q: You plays these decks not only on ladder, but also in tournaments. How does this affect your map choices if you get them? What makes you switch to something different and leave the signature tanks behind?

Byah: I do use these decks in tournaments, and very rarely do I change them up unless I think i can really swerve my opponent.  I am just so familiar with my decks that changing them to fit a map or counter an opponent ends up hurting me more than it helps because I just don't have that same familiarity of how to handle different situations.  With the new inferno deck under my belt, perhaps we will start seeing that in tournaments as well.  My GDI will likely never change, unless I throw out a surprise fortress depending on the map.

When it comes to map choice, I would pick Random almost every time if I could.  Unfortunately, tournament organizers often do not permit Random as a map choices anymore (Thanks...).  Random would benefit me since I could just play normally without having to worry about my opponent designing their deck to take advantage of the map.  I have figured out which maps benefit my decks.  Large maps where speed and mobility are required, such as Battlefield and Stonewall, tend to be where my NOD shines.  Smaller maps with multiple pads that are semi close, such as Scorpion Tail and The Needle, benefit my GDI since my tanks don't have to travel very far and my units can easily camp pads and allow me to rotate my units quickly.  Maps where the pads are close together, such as Rorshach and Open Water, are maps where it is basically a coin flip to decide which deck I should use; they are also where I might throw out a surprise deck to try and swerve my opponent.

It is extremely difficult to make me leave my tanks behind.  I love my tanks, and I have learned how to utilize them with other units extremely effectively.  It is almost handicapping myself to not bring them with me.  The only thing that will make me switch off of them if is I am almost certain that my opponent intends to bring a unit like Giga Cannon to the matchup.

Q: Your recent tournament finished include 4th in the first Legion blitz event, and you had some success in Bikerush's world championship series too, all while having your own team in all seasons of RTL so far. What are your tournament ambitions for the future? Which one of the communities ran competitions did you enjoy the most?

Byah: So, my first taste of RTL was actually when Tommeh and I joined Maximus' team for season 4 (Dutch Misfits!).  I've hosted teams for seasons 5 and 6 and will be returning for season 7.  I really enjoy the team format, and it is a great chance to play against players I may never play otherwise.  This season was our best finish, having lost in the semi finals to the eventually champions The Barking Spiders.  Perhaps a visit to the Finals is in our future?  If the Misfits could score a RTL win, that would be an amazing accomplishment.  However, i am extremely proud of everything that the Misfits have accomplished in RTL.

My two greatest tournament moments were from the Legion Blitz Event and from the Bandito Tournament back in late 2019.  The Bandito tournament saw me vs Alicia Destiny for the USA Regional Finals.  I lost to her, but it was a thrill to have been able to have played on that stage.  I have placed variously between 5th and 13th in various other tournaments, with a few additional 4th places that I cannot recall.  That all led to my my recent 4th place finish at the Legion Blitz event.  Ideally, I would like to win a tournament at some point, or at least advance to the finals.  I do not truly believe that I am good enough to consistently win tournaments, but I would like to think that I could get lucky at least once!

Byah facing off against Scarab Supreme leader Team America in RTL S6

Q: If you had one wish that you could make happen in the world of C&C Rivals, what would it be?

Byah: I really wish that Rivals had made enough of an impact for esports.  There isn't really any other game that I play where I rank as high as I do in Rivals.  It could have been my ticket to becoming a household name!  In all seriousness, it would have just been amazing to play Rivals on a grand stage like other games get to.  As mentioned before, the Bandito tournament was my first taste of anything close to playing on a grand stage, and it was such a thrill.  I would have loved for all of us to continually have had chances to play Rivals in such a manner.

Q: Any last words?

Byah: Rivals is a fantastic game, and the community is easily the best that I have ever been a part of.  The majority of people are extremely kind and helpful, and there is a healthy competitiveness between most of the top players.  I've never seen a game supported by its community in the way that Rivals does.  It has its flaws for sure, but I am happy to be a part of the game and community.  I hope Rivals continues on for a long time and that the community gets to stick together for a long time.  Be competitive, but be friendly.  Never give up, and remember that this is a game above all else.  Nothing inside of Rivals is worth bringing frustration to the real world you, even if you don't get a reward that you worked hard for or lose a lot of medals in a short time.  Take the game easy and enjoy it.  If you need to step away from the game for a couple of days to cool down, do it.  You'll come back in a much better frame of mind.  Play Rivals, have fun, and be among friends

I look forward to facing all of you either on ladder or in a tournament at some point.  Byaaaaaaah!

Written by kennyemmy, Entsorger


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