Q: Hello Terran! Thank you for doing this interview. Please tell us about yourself, where you are from and what you do besides Rivals!
A: Hello. Thank you very much for having me! My name is Julian, I am 15 years old and becoming 16 in a few months, I am from upstate New York, and male. When I am not playing rivals I am usually working on my homework or procrastinating by watching Youtube/Twitch streams, and yes I don’t go out much. My in game name is Terran which was chosen because I couldn't think of anything better lol. However my name everywhere else is Quasar which I consider to be my main name online, and I chose it because I thought it sounded cool.
Q: When did you start playing Rivals, what caught your interest, and how did you get started?
A: I technically started playing in December 2018, but I barely played it until February 2021 which is when I really started playing it seriously. At first I got it because it looked like a cool strategy game to play, but I didn’t like it as much as vainglory (a moba on mobile) which was my game at the time so I dropped it. But after it died and I lost interest in the games I tried to replace it with I decided to play Rivals and now here I am.
Q: What are some other favorites current or past games? Anything as competitive as Rivals?
A: I don’t play any other games than Rivals currently, as for past games when I younger I hopped from one game to the next never being able to stick to anything before getting bored. The first game I could really stick to was Vainglory, which I played it for several years. Then I moved to Dota, and played it for about a year before becoming bored of having to play with unreliable teammates who were constantly bickering. I would say both of them were as competitive as Rivals in game play.
Q: It is rare these days that we have a newcomer rise up so fast like you. You
stormed the Generations' Coach & Conquer tourney!
How did that go? What did you learn that led you to rise up so fast?
A: I think my past of playing micro intensive mobas and lots of playtime once I started is why I rose so quickly. The main thing I‘d say I learned while under spark‘s coaching was what deck to use where which ended up to whether to use Seth or Kane with Fanatic Stank later on. I‘d also the say the practice helped a lot to improve my micro.
Q: After that you went on to beat srpss 3-0 in the Master of Faction tourney.
How did that feel? Do you plan on winning more tournaments against other
A: It felt nice like alright. I’m one of the big boys now, although talking with srpss afterwards he said he was a bit tired during the set and based on later matches I’d say I’m about even in skill with him. I hope to beat some of the previous victors and I definitely think I can, although beating Alicia in a set isn’t going to be easy no matter how tired she might be.
Q: Do you make specific decks in tourneys or particular players or maps?
A: I don’t really have specific decks for players ahead of time unless I’m very sure what they will bring, like Byah and his decks. During the tournament, I’ll try to out-deck my opponent using their commonly used decks and what reactions I think they will have to what I bring. Maps do indeed play a big role and I spend a good amount of time thinking what’s good for what map before and during the tourney.
Q: How has your rise in Rivals been going since you got started? Who have you played with, what Alliance(s) have you been in? Where are you now and why?
A: I‘d say my basic knowledge of mechanics from playing a little before I really started and my fast fingers helped me to get started. After that my desire to become one of the best and watching top streamers like 13lade and Alicia to see what are they doing that I am not, as well as what decks to play helped a ton in progressing me forward. Initially I was playing alone since I had no friends but once I felt I was good enough to join an alliance I looked on discord and decided to join misfits for no particular and then I got attached to them and been with them since.
Q: What is your device/OS of choice? Any favorite faction, unit, or map?
A: iOS tablet 12.9” screen is the device I play on and I wouldn’t change if I could. My favorite faction is NOD, as it is much less annoying to fight against Giga-Cannon with NOD than GDI in my experience. Last patch, my favorite unit was stank since I really enjoyed the micro intensity it required. This patch, I’m not sure. Inferno is currently my main candidate for favorite since it needs quite a bit of micro like Stank. As for map: I wouldn’t say I have a favorite map but my favorite map type are Rohrschach-like maps. 3 pads with room to micro and all decks are viable for it.
Q: What do you think of the current meta and patch?
A: I like it there is a lot more deck variety especially for GDI, there isn’t anything to broken or annoying, and tech being nerfed means much less of the walking on and off of pads dance to keep the missile charging which I found to be boring. Although I do think the nerfs to tech, Catship, and fanatics were a bit severe I think the positives outweigh the negatives.
Q: What players are the most interesting to meet on ladder?
A: Anybody who is good enough to make me try-hard and think how could I have
done that better is interesting in my book srpss does it the most consistently
for me so I’d say he’s the most interesting for me. Since I always have to
think how does my deck do into his, how should I open, what’s my game plan and
there’s always something for me to learn from my games with him.
Terran's favorite decks
Q: Any advice you can give to players?
A: Play regularly, practice and increase your levels. Copy a top player’s deck that you like and that works for you, and watch top streamers like 13lade, Alicia, srpss. Ask them questions any questions you may have, and if you ever get frustrated at something your opponent did: take a step back look at what you could have done better to beat it. If you can’t immediately think of something, play it yourself to see what others do or ask a streamer or on discord and they will help. Join an active alliance. That can help with levels and give more answers to your questions. And most importantly: have fun! It is a game after all.
Q: If you could change anything in the game, would would it be?
A: I would nerf 2-range units in general. Giga is a bit too strong and the rest can be annoying to play against. I would also nerf Chuggy as it seems to be in every single nod deck I play, with a few exceptions. Finally I would add a self-destruct button to squads to make popcapping impossible.
Thanks for your time Terran and I'll see you on Ladder!
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